Priyanka Chopra and Virat Kohli, two of the most beloved personalities in their respective fields, are rumoured to be featured on Bear Grylls’ adventure show. Grylls, known for his thrilling survival series, has previously collaborated with notable figures such as Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as well as actors Akshay Kumar, Rajinikanth, and Ranveer Singh. While the official confirmation is yet to come, Grylls has expressed his optimism about bringing Priyanka and Virat on board for his highly acclaimed show.
Last year, in an interview with Hindustan Times, the 48-year-old adventurer expressed his desire to have Priyanka and Virat on his show, and he recently provided an update on the progress. Although nothing has been confirmed, Grylls mentioned that things are moving in the right direction, and he is keeping his fingers crossed. Speaking specifically about Priyanka, Grylls praised her as the number one celebrity for their next show, along with Virat Kohli. He emphasized that both of them are highly inspiring figures, cherished by people worldwide, and having the opportunity to delve into their stories and learn about their journeys would be a tremendous privilege for him and his audience.
While Grylls has previously visited India to film special episodes of his show, he mentioned that he will be returning in the next few months to shoot something special. Although he didn’t disclose whether this project is related to his potential collaboration with Priyanka and Virat, fans can expect another exciting adventure in the country.
Bear Grylls has developed a strong bond with India throughout his career, thanks to the immense popularity of his show, Man vs. Wild. The former soldier has made multiple visits to the country, exploring various locations such as Kolkata and Darjeeling. Expressing his fondness for India, Grylls stated that the country holds a special place in his heart, making it evident that he has formed a deep connection with the nation and its people.